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The example of article review

The example of article review

the example of article review

 · Example Of Article Review On American Dreams Studs Terkel documents the words of Stephen Cruz who is reminiscent of his past days from the time of college. Cruz, a Mexican immigrant, toiled hard to get the better of his contemporaries in work and joined a MNC after getting educated in management and engineering  · Article Review Words | 6 Pages. influence patients’ chemotherapy decisions”(Obermyer, , p. 3). As such, it is imperative that an accurate means of predicting patients’ risks and outcomes with regards to chemotherapy be found and used in clinical application Article review writing is a challenging task. It requires the author to have a deep understanding of the article topic, to be able to search and analyze information, to critically summarize the material from different sources. You are to take into account importance and novelty of data and to discuss complex and voluminous topics in easy words

How To Write a Good And Interesting Article Review ⭐ - A Research Guide

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Review of article "Eight reasons why doctors fear the elderly, chronic illness, and death" in The Journal for Transpersonal Psychology. SlideShare Explore Search You. Submit Search. Home Explore. Successfully reported this slideshow. The example of article review use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads.

You can change your ad preferences anytime. Article Review-Writing Sample. Upcoming SlideShare. Like this document? Why not share! Article review sample by Влад Панасенко views Article review by Norshim Hashim views Writing an article review by dapuchak views Apa article summary example by Ayesha Yaqoob views Journal article critique by Rohaida Muslim views Article Summaries and Critiques by cjturner views.

Embed Size px. Start on. Show related SlideShares at end. WordPress Shortcode. Like Liked. Dawn Drake, Ph. Professor, Psychology. License: CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, the example of article review. Full Name Comment goes here. Are you sure you want to Yes No. Fatihah RK. Webster de la CruzComputer Scientist at Trinity College.

Show More. No Downloads, the example of article review. Views Total views. Actions Shares. No notes for slide. Article Review-Writing Sample 1. Eight reasons why doctors fear the elderly, chronic the example of article review, and death. The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 14 1 Literature Review Jonathan Lieff, author of this article, holds a B.

from Yale College and an M. from Harvard Medical College, and is board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry Ages Health Services Inc. When the article was published inthe example of article review, Lieff had developed services for elderly, handicapped, and terminally ill patients in connection with the Boston Housing Authority, nursing homes, and hospitals.

He had also served as Director of Geriatric Fellowship at Boston University and Chief of Geriatrics at Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, a Tufts University Facility. In this paper, I summarize the article and offer comments about selected aspects, identify some relevant changes that have occurred since the article the example of article review published, and suggest areas where additional research findings would assist in understanding the current state of medical care in regard to the issues raised.

He also the example of article review benefits of psychological support for dying patients and then identified and discussed eight 3. Many of his explanations reflected spiritually related problems that he believed were at the root of the issue. Lieff did note that some medical professionals, mostly not physicians i. Critical Reflections The dominant purpose of this article seems to be to convince the reader that Western doctors specifically, American doctors were not prepared to support the emotional and spiritual needs of the patients who were dying, and further, that spiritual training should be included as a standard component of medical training for doctors.

All of the reasons for fear that Lieff discussed reflected psychological or spiritual issues; consideration of other contributing factors was noticeably lacking. Examples include assertions Lieff, that many doctors did not recognize the human potential to 4. Acknowledging his comments as opinions or personal observations and then explaining his reasoning could have provided an opportunity to persuade a skeptical reader to agreement.

By offering neither research findings nor personal reasoning, Lieff potentially increased the reader's resistance to his arguments. Numerous statements also seem to express Lieff's own frustration in coming to terms with death and dying, especially within American society. For example, Patients and their families generally turn to the physician for solutions to these problems, the example of article review. The typical doctor is perhaps no better prepared to take care of his own elderly parents and grandparents, the example of article review.

But they are expected magically to provide solutions p. Theorists, such as Erikson and Lidzattempt to include the termination of life as a psychological developmental stage. But what psychological development leads to death? This is just one of many ways in which the doctor is rendered helpless in a system which is structured to help him hide these feelings of helplessness p.

Upon recognizing this undertone of personal frustration, the reader might question the objectivity, and therefore the validity, of the overall argument, the example of article review. This, in conjunction with the lack of support for many of the assertions made, undermines the potential benefit of Lieff's presentation of the issues. Lieff suggested that hospices, which were rare in the U.

in —only about 1, programs existed by National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, n. Changes have occurred in American society that have dramatically altered the circumstances that existed when Lieff wrote this article. had grown to 4, serving an estimated 1.

The research cited by Lieff needs to be revalidated, especially in regard to whether prejudicial attitudes and avoidance behaviors are still demonstrated in medical schools and among practicing physicians, and what psychiatric treatment is provided to elderly and terminally ill patients. It would also be appropriate to look for other factors besides the fear that might contribute to those attitudes and behaviors. He noted that nurses, social workers, and therapists were leading the way in providing better care for the elderly.

How do their ways of treating and interacting with patients differ from physicians? Do they have different attitudes about patients or perspectives on life and death? What is the source of any differences? If they learned the methods and attitudes in a formal setting, how were those alternatives taught? Are those methods transferable to physician training, and if so, has there been progress in incorporating those changes into medical schools?

How do patients and their families perceive the care that the nurses and other care providers deliver in contrast to the care that is provided by physicians?

Do these patients and their families communicate their feelings to others, and if so, has it effected any change in expectations in those others? How do doctors respond to these methods—are they supportive, obstructive, or neutral? What consequences do these practioners experience, and how does that affect their 7.

And, of course, how many physicians are entering the new subspecialties that are targeted to treating these patients? Lieff suggested that physicians should receive more spiritual training, based on his assessment of their fears.

This article raises issues and possibilities that are rife with questions worthy of exploration, the example of article review. Additional examination should quickly raise research possibilities beyond those suggested above.

Conclusion Lieff presented convincing research that chronically ill and terminal patients need psychological support, yet many American doctors exhibited avoidance behaviors toward them in the early s. Because he focused primarily on spiritual issues, 8. More than a quarter of a century has passed since the article was published, and in that time, significant changes have the example of article review in the medical field that affect how terminally ill patients are treated in the U.

Given the growing population of the elderly and the seriousness of the concerns raised by Lieffcurrent research into medical training practices and the need and appropriate goals for including spiritual training in medical education curricula seems both appropriate and important to ensuring that a high quality of compassionate and effective care will be available to individuals who are reaching the end of their life.

htm American Board of Medical Specialties. News release: ABMS establishes specialty certificate in hospice and palliative medicine. Initial Certification in the Subspecialty of Geriatric Psychiatry. htm National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization NHPCO. Growth in U. hospice programs: to pdf National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization NHPCO. NHPCO facts and figures: Hospice care in America.

pdf von Gunten, C. CAPC manual: Everything you wanted to know about establishing a palliative care program but were afraid to ask, the example of article review. Share Clipboard × Facebook Twitter LinkedIn. Public clipboards featuring this the example of article review ×. Select another clipboard ×. You just clipped your first slide! Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips.

Article/Journal Review

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Article Review Example, Templates, and Writing Advice | WOW Essays

the example of article review

 · Article Review Words | 6 Pages. influence patients’ chemotherapy decisions”(Obermyer, , p. 3). As such, it is imperative that an accurate means of predicting patients’ risks and outcomes with regards to chemotherapy be found and used in clinical application Article review writing is a challenging task. It requires the author to have a deep understanding of the article topic, to be able to search and analyze information, to critically summarize the material from different sources. You are to take into account importance and novelty of data and to discuss complex and voluminous topics in easy words  · Example Of Article Review On American Dreams Studs Terkel documents the words of Stephen Cruz who is reminiscent of his past days from the time of college. Cruz, a Mexican immigrant, toiled hard to get the better of his contemporaries in work and joined a MNC after getting educated in management and engineering

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