Monday, April 26, 2021

College tuition planning research paper

College tuition planning research paper

college tuition planning research paper

COLLEGE TUITION INFLATION •My topic is about how college tuition is increasing over the past years. College degree is becoming not affordable to low-income families. Tuition is escalating due to several reasons. • This source is a great option for my research paper because it has all the ideal answers to my research question. The thesis  · All custom essays are written by qualified Master’s and PhD writers. Just order a customized essay on College Tuition Planning at our website and we will write your essay at affordable prices. We are available 24/7 to help students with writing essays for high school, college and university College Tuition Planning Research Paper, how to learn writing essay in english, how to cite in apa format in a research paper, academic dissertations on social mobility. Essay Re-writing. Monthly Plan. min of tutoring $ 96 /month. Great paper! My second order and no complaints still

Essay on College Tuition Planning |

Should Students Willingly Finance The Cost of Rising College Tuition? Todays society requires many prerequisite job requirements for future careers. Prerequisites can range from minor requirements, to the most common post-secondary education requirements.

In todays society, especially in the science and mathematics fields, it is required to have an advanced degree to simply begin the chosen career Julie and Michelau. In a minor way my own past employment experience represents an instance where simple prerequisites were required.

For example, when I chose to become a lifeguard I had to earn my prerequisites for my life guarding certification. When deciding to become a lifeguard I compared the cost of the course to the salary I would earn. Had the cost of the course exceeded my total salary as a lifeguard, I would not have chosen to complete the course.

As my lifeguard certification was essential to become a lifeguard, according to a report posted by the White House, higher education is essential to earn a job in our growing economy as well. In addition, as stated in Making College Affordable, there are far less employment opportunities available for those lacking a bachelors degree, than there were in the past.

Unfortunately, college tuition costs. have risen dramatically in the past decades causing the cost of education to exceed students salaries later earned.

In fact, according to Julie Bell, college today costs twice as much as it did 20 years ago. Whats more, not even five years ago, over 17, of these college graduates did obtain jobs due to the college tuition planning research paper Richard and Veddar. Today, around the same number of students still face the same struggle to obtain a job.

Over all, students are paying far more than they are earning and graduating college with a growing debt they are struggling to repay. What then, has caused college to tuition become so expensive over the last two decades? Furthermore, should we, as college students, be okay with paying such a high cost in tuition? There are several factors that make college tuition so expensive.

These factors include the cost of funding sports, paying the faculty, the high cost of instructional fees, and more. Sadly, much of tuition is spent on the high cost of funding sports through covering coaching fees, college tuition planning research paper, travel budgets and custom made apparel Hacker and Dreifus. Furthermore, it is not only the team.

players tuition that is affected by joining a team, but it is the Universitys tuition as a whole. In addition, Hacker stated the idea that many colleges have such high tuition because colleges have the unspoken pact not to break ranks.

In other words, as stated by Hacker, the colleges that could potentially lower tuition choose not to, solely to match up with their high priced, wellknown, comparisons.

These colleges view the idea of lowering tuition as a sign that the school is inferior to other similar academically ranked colleges and is the poorer option for students to choose. Therefore, they do not decrease the tuition. In addition, Hacker goes on to explain that there is the cost of paying the colleges faculty as well as the colleges president.

According to Hacker, the college tuition planning research paper annual salary of college presidents has actually doubled over the past 15 years.

Along with paying the faculty, college amenities also influence and increase the tuition. Though new technology and advanced features tend to entice more students, it also is a factor that college tuition covers which causes the tuition to rise.

Lastly, one additional factor that causes tuition to rise is elitism. Hacker explains that colleges ranked as elite must account for the price of prestige. In other words, these colleges i. the University of Southern California consider their tuition to be a long term investment due to their prestige. Many families fall into this trap and end up paying the high costs ranging from twenty to fifty thousand dollars for the better education.

However, according to Hacker, one major study shows that matched students who went to non-elite colleges did just as well financially as their elite peers as provided from a major study comparing students. The factors that Andrew Hacker listed as causes for high tuition are unfortunate just as they are correct. His perspective shows us that college costs too much for students because. schools are spending more of students tuition dollars on factors that involve benefits for the college, over financing the students education.

In Hackers eyes this is terribly wrong as shown through the facts he provided. For instance, Hacker emphasized that many colleges try to better their school by increasing technology and amenities to draw in more students. However, what many students are unaware of is that it is their tuition is what finances these extra amenities rather than going to the payment of their instructors.

In addition to extra amenities, Hacker expresses his anger towards the high college tuition planning research paper of college when explaining the amount of money that colleges and universities spend on sports, which he feels should affect only the team players and not the entire student population.

In addition, Hacker believes that college uses the price of prestige to their advantage financially, rather than to the students advantage educationally. Whats more, college tuition planning research paper, Hacker gave the situation relevance when using the University of Southern California as an example of a college that is currently using the price of prestige to its advantage.

Overall, Hacker understands that college is priced much higher than necessary and he feels that colleges are deprioritizing the factors that students money should be covering which is causing tuition prices to rise, and therefore negatively affecting college students.

In addition to the factors stated by Hacker, the economy also plays a major role in determining college tuition and has had a substantial effect on the steady increase in tuition in the last two decades, college tuition planning research paper. According to Julie Bell and Demaree Michelau, college tuition has doubled since As noted from a survey in Public Agenda, both women believe that the importance of receiving a degree has increased along with the rise in tuition as more and more jobs are continually requiring degrees.

As a result, students are faced with a severe dilemma: they can hardly make a substantial living without a degree, but because tuition is so expensive they can hardly afford to obtain a degree.

In their article, Making College Affordable, Bell and. Michelau analyzed ways that the economy affects this rising cost through information gained from several reliable sources. From state legislatures Bell and Michelau gathered that the state fiscal policy plays a huge role in affecting tuition. The state fiscal policy is considered any changes the government makes to the national budget in order to influence a nations economy. As stated by Bell and Michelau, because post-secondary education is one of the most readily used and optional items on the state budget list, lawmakers are able to make alterations more easily to it.

Also, because higher education is a discretionary item, lawmakers can cut the appropriations sets aside for school funding because higher education has secondary sources of revenue available to it. These sources include the tuition that we as students come up with out of pocket. Therefore, according to Bell and Michelau, if the nation is almost meeting its budget, and needs to cut back in areas to save money, cuts on appropriations for higher education are usually the first to go, dramatically increasing tuition depending on the sizes of the cuts.

If the economy experiences a dramatic downturn, college tuition planning research paper, this number can increase anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars as the government reduces the amount of money they supply the universities. Secondly, post-secondary education budgets and tuition fluctuate with the condition of the economys stability.

The women went onto explain that during good times the cost of tuition remains static and sometimes college tuition planning research paper, where as during economic downturns the states will decrease the money set aside for higher education funding, college tuition planning research paper.

In other words, the good times for the economy result in lower tuition, and the bad unstable times of the economy result in higher tuition. As they quoted from the dean of the College of Education at the. University of Hawaii, Randy Hitz, "as a society we are disinvesting in higher education. According to Hitz the government views education as something the individual is responsible for obtaining themselves, rather than making it a "common good" and providing it affordably.

Julie Bell and Demaree Michelau are frustrated by the rises in college tuition because they recognize that it is due to uncontrollable factors that students are victims of, rather than influencers. For instance, both women stated that the state fiscal policy is primarily what determines how much the government will fund a university. This tells us that the state fiscal policy is not up to the students and cannot be controlled by them, but rather based off of the state of the economy which further supports Bell and Michelaus argument.

In addition, they increased the urgency of the issue through emphasizing the importance for current college students when using todays state fiscal policy as an example to prove their point. Though slightly more neutral in their opinions than Hacker, college tuition planning research paper, Bell and Michelau are angered because they realize that as the tuition rises, so does the importance of obtaining a degree in todays society.

From their facts, an important but negative trend is pointed out. As the price of college tuition rises it decreases the numbers of individuals that can afford it each year, college tuition planning research paper. With increases seen in tuition, college student numbers dramatically fall and the economy continues to destabilize. From there, the situation worsens and the spiral continues downward. Both women recognize this downward spiraling cycle, and provide their information as a representation of the factors that are causing such powerful increases in public education and damaging while economy.

Overall, their analysis on the situation was insightful and correct, due to the research they gathered on the topic. Just and Bell and Michelau did, Richard Veddar and Matthew Denhart also describe many factors affecting tuition prices in detail in their article, Why Does College Cost so.

Veddar and Denhart both recognize that college tuition is steadily increasing and strongly believe that college costs too much not only for the student, but for society a whole, college tuition planning research paper. A major reason for this is that colleges are lacking the incentives to lower tuition. Incentives, college tuition planning research paper, that the authors believe, would actually generate greater income and increase the colleges earnings.

For example, Ivy League schools provide some of the top education in the country, therefore they have the power to be selective and turn prospective students away. However, if these schools decreased their selectivity, they would be able to lower tuition for all students and in turn, gain more money with the rise in the number of students. Another reason for high tuition as stated by Veddar and Denhart, is colleges and universities placing college tuition planning research paper importance of the faculty, significant alumni, key administrators, and trustees over the importance of current and future college students, college tuition planning research paper.

Due to this, the men explain, colleges end up using too much of tuition on spendings that involve pleasing the higher ranking group with unnecessary additions good parking, successful intercollegiate sports, etc. rather than on financial benefits for the actual student.

Whats worse, Veddar and Denhart believe that colleges are financing these unnecessary benefits out of the wallets college tuition planning research paper their very students.

Lastly, college tuition planning research paper, college tuition planning research paper factor that increases tuition as stated by Veddar is the "predominant role of third-party payments" which includes the loans, grants, private scholarships, and state government support. These third-party payments allow colleges to keep tuition high while students feel they are paying less.

Veddar and Denharts argument was very clear and convincing; college costs too much. Different from Bell and Michelau, the men feel that the factors that are making college so expensive are things that could be easily changed. The men supported their argument with.

numerous examples. For one, the fact that college tuition planning research paper lack proper incentives is an issue that could be changed with enough notice taken by the public. Also, both men were correct and convincing in reasoning that colleges care more about gaining money through high tuition, rather than decreasing tuition and gaining more students. In addition, the men strengthened their argument when they explained that colleges have the power to redirect where the students money is being spent through placing a greater value on their students over their faculty.

Furthermore, their argument was proved when Veddar and Denhart explained if the majority of the money was spent more on the education and less on items such as intercollegiate sports, tuition could start to decrease. Over all, both men were correct in believing that college costs too much for students and society as was shown through the factors provided by them.

However, from their argument, there is hope seen in the situation turning around because the reasons for the high tuition have solutions that could alter the circumstances for the better.

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The rising cost of college tuition Research Paper

college tuition planning research paper

COLLEGE TUITION INFLATION •My topic is about how college tuition is increasing over the past years. College degree is becoming not affordable to low-income families. Tuition is escalating due to several reasons. • This source is a great option for my research paper because it has all the ideal answers to my research question. The thesis There are several websites on the Internet College Tuition Planning Research Paper that would offer you affordable packages for the College Tuition Planning Research Paper service they College Tuition Planning Research Paper are providing; however, they would have a hidden catch that would lead you to pay more than you actually bargained for. With, this is definitely not the case/10() College Tuition Planning Research Paper, how to learn writing essay in english, how to cite in apa format in a research paper, academic dissertations on social mobility. Essay Re-writing. Monthly Plan. min of tutoring $ 96 /month. Great paper! My second order and no complaints still

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