· Earn Money Writing Fiction Online With These 23 Sites! Every site is a bit different, and you will notice not all will allow you to submit your fiction writing anytime you want. Pay attention to the guidelines and the submission dates before you just start sending your story off to these sites · Online Magazines that Pay for Short Stories. AGNI. Agni is a literary magazine that publishes essays and poetry. The company allows any aspiring writer or literary enthusiast to publish their Analog. The Sun. Clarkesworld. One story The Establishment pays $ and up for reported stories and essays. Eureka Street is an Australian site that pays $ for analysis or commentary on politics, religion, popular culture or current events in Australia and the world. They also pay $50 for poetry (check out our full guide to poetry jobs), which seems to be a rarity these days
Online Writing Jobs: 45+ Websites that Will Pay You to Write
Writing fiction may be something you love doing, but you never thought you could get paid for. Whether you prefer to write shorter stories or you want to sites that pay for writing stories long novels, you can earn money writing fiction online with the right websites. When you know where to submit short stories for money and longer novelsyou have the ability to earn money writing online. While some of the online sites you can submit your fiction writing to are actually magazines, most publish online some also in print.
I have put my research skills to good use and found XX sites willing to help you get paid to write about anything in the fiction genres, sites that pay for writing stories. Some of the sites will also accept poetry, non-fiction, flash fiction super short sites that pay for writing storiesand more! Every site is a bit different, and you will notice not all will allow you to submit your fiction writing anytime you want. Pay attention to the guidelines and the submission dates before you just start sending your story off to these sites.
This is known as simultaneous submission. Make sure this is accepted by the site you plan to submit to before submitting the same story to multiple sites. A unique choice, The Sun is a reader-supported magazine offering opportunities for many writers in different fiction genres. They accept more than just fiction, sites that pay for writing stories, so you will see this magazine repeated in a few other categories on my list.
The Sun will publish fiction and nonfiction, and they tend sites that pay for writing stories favor personal writing. They also like pieces on cultural and political issues, but accept many different types of writing. A science fiction magazine accepting World Fantasy, British Fantasy, and Hugo, ClarkesWorld publishes short stories, articles, interviews, and audio fiction.
They publish monthly and have open submission times regularly. These include zombies, vampires, talking cats, FTL travel, Christian mythology, and so much more.
Could you imagine if your story was published in The New Yorker? They cater to the Science Fiction genre, but they do not want stories about violence or sex. They rarely buy short stories with less than 1, words or longer stories with more than 20, words. Pay Range: 8 to 10 cents per word for stories up to 7, words and 8 cents for every word over 7, words.
They do consider unsolicited fiction, but they do not consider unsolicited non-fiction. Instead, they sites that pay for writing stories all kinds of fiction, including science fiction and fantasy as this is the audience they cater to, with a preference for character-oriented stories.
Your stork can be up to 25, words in length, and they ask that you submit the entire manuscript instead of submitting a query first. Submitting general fiction to Black Warrior Review may just get you published. They also accept some non-fiction. While submissions are not open year-round, Black Warrior Review does have submissions open at different times of the year.
They prefer stories under 5, words but will accept up to 7, They also accept flash fiction stories under 1, words. Accepting short stories and non-fiction, you can submit your work to Carve Magazine year-round. They look for honest fiction in short story format with emotional honesty, soul, and emotional jeopardy. Accepting fiction and non-fiction during some times of the year, the Iowa Review is another place to get published. They have a page limit of 25 double-spaced pages.
Fiction should be between 7, and 20, words for the Solos series, while Journal submissions should be less than 6, words. Submit your fiction and non-fiction work to The Missouri Reviewand you might just become a published author. Unlike many other sites on this list, they allow simultaneous submissions. Submit any type of story falling under the general category of Science Fiction to Analog for consideration to Analog Science Fiction And Fact.
They accept stories with all types of science, including physical, psychological, and sociological. They will also accept fact articles, sites that pay for writing stories. Pay Range: 8 to 10 cents per word for short fiction up to 20, words, 6 cents per word for longer fiction from 40, to 80, words, and 9 cents per word for fact articles. When they do, the maximum word count is 7, words.
They sites that pay for writing stories even turn your story into a podcast. They only publish one story per month, and they accept Science Fiction or Fantasy from 5, to 25, words. GigaNotoSaurus is open to all kinds of stories from a diverse range of backgrounds. You can submit your short story to East of the Web in the fiction genre.
Every year, Vestal Review accepts submissions between February and May, along with August and November. Sometimes, they have special calls for submissions, sites that pay for writing stories, as well. They do accept flash fiction up to words, sites that pay for writing stories, but they do not accept porn, excessive gore, obscenity, or racial slurs. Rated R content is fine, but not Rated X. Submit funny stories, stories about nature, art stories, music stories, and much more.
Fireside Magazine offers submissions for several categories, including short stories, non-fiction, novels, novellas, and more. They accept stories in both English and Spanish with short stories sites that pay for writing stories up to 2, words and other categories catering to longer stories. Submission periods for One Story Inc. are from January 15th to May 31st and from September 3rd to November 14th each year. They look for literary fiction from 3, to 8, words only.
They want stories leaving readers satisfied at the end. They do submission calls for different types of fiction at different times of the year. As of writing this guide, for example. They had a Submission Call for military action-based, last-stand horror stories from 2, to 10, words. A magazine accepting submissions from September 1st to May 31st every year, Crazyhorse takes both fiction and non-fiction.
They accept stories between 2, and 8, words and they hold an annual short-short fiction contest called Crazyshots! Accepting fiction stories, short plays, and literary non-fiction stories, Alaska Quarterly Review offers plenty of options for writers.
They also accept photo essays and contemporary literary art. Fiction and non-fiction should not exceed 50 pages in length, sites that pay for writing stories. They do accept simultaneous submissions. Now you have 23 sites you can submit your short stories, novels, articles, flash fiction, and other works for possible publishing and payment.
Some pay better than others, and it will be up to you to choose where you submit your work. Making money from any type of writing online means you need to spend plenty of time reading the submission guidelines. The same is true when you want to earn money writing fiction online.
The last thing you want to do is burn a bridge before they even see your work. Maybe the fiction niche is just one of the niches you want to earn money writing online with. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website.
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It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Earn Money Writing Fiction Online With These 23 Sites. Please follow and like us:, sites that pay for writing stories. Table of Contents. By Benjamin T February 13th, Freelancing 0 Comments, sites that pay for writing stories.
Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! Facebook Twitter Reddit LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Email. About the Author: Benjamin. After more than 10 years of working with SEO companies and providing high-quality content, I am showing others how to make money online.
I love helping others find success through blogging. I sites that pay for writing stories love to travel, enjoy baseball and watch Notre Dame football every year. Make sure to check out my blogging guide by clicking "Start Your Blog Here" at the top of the page. Leave A Comment Cancel reply Comment. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Accept Read More. Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.
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Make Money Writing Articles (Up To $2000) Top Paying Sites!
, time: 14:37Get Paid to Write: 30 Websites that Offer Paid Writing Jobs []

· Sites That Pay You to Write About Vacation/Travel 1. Transitions Abroad – $ per post. Transitions Abroad’s focus is on people who travel, regardless of the reason – 2. Wanderlust – £ per post. Britain-based Wanderlust targets the travel market as Author: Saeed Darabi · Online Magazines that Pay for Short Stories. AGNI. Agni is a literary magazine that publishes essays and poetry. The company allows any aspiring writer or literary enthusiast to publish their Analog. The Sun. Clarkesworld. One story · Earn Money Writing Fiction Online With These 23 Sites! Every site is a bit different, and you will notice not all will allow you to submit your fiction writing anytime you want. Pay attention to the guidelines and the submission dates before you just start sending your story off to these sites
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