Grade: Duration: Date: Topic: Sub-topics: Page. English A Lesson Plan 10 10 periods September 9- 23, Paragraph Writing Unity, Coherence, Completeness, Principles of Organization. General objective: Students will be able to write paragraphs which are unified, coherent and complete. Specific Objectives At the end of these lessons students should be able to: Define the term paragraph wri5/5(4) · Writing Mini-Lesson 1. Give the lesson a catchy name. 2. Keep it brief. 3. Focus on 1 key learning concept. the student know up front what they will be learning. 5. Start by connecting the lesson with what they already know or are already doing. 6. Be explicitand direct. 7. Expect students to be accountable for their learning. 8 Materials. The Paragraph Lesson - Use the printable lesson for your lesson plan, or use student version as lesson supplement.. The Paragraph Worksheets - Printable teaching worksheet exercises.. Procedure: Definition: a paragraph is a group of sentences that tell one idea.. Paragraph Rules: Indent the first word in a paragraph (start the first word of the paragraph a little to the right of the
A detailed lesson plan on paragraph writing
Bethany is a certified Special Education and Elementary teacher with 11 years experience teaching Special Education from paragraph writing lesson plan pdf PK through 5. Sasha Blakeley paragraph writing lesson plan pdf a Bachelor's in English Literature from McGill University and a TEFL certification.
She has been teaching English in Canada and Taiwan for seven years. Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. Log in or Sign up. Introduce a topic and group related information together; include illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension.
Use linking words and phrases e. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study. com Member. Create your account. This lesson provided detailed guides for teaching students to write an effective paragraph, paragraph writing lesson plan pdf.
Use the following activities for more ideas. In this lesson, students reviewed what makes a sentence, and learned all of the important parts of a paragraph. One activity that can help them remember all of these details is rewriting a paragraph that has mistakes in it. As the teacher, write out a paragraph that fails to follow the guide that students just learned. Include at least one sentence fragment, an incorrect number of detail sentences, and a topic or concluding sentence that does not fit the rest of the paragraph.
Have students work alone or in groups to fix the sentence based on what they have learned. One great way to help students understand the order of a paragraph is to create a scrambled-up version.
Write a paragraph about a step-by-step process that students will already be familiar with, paragraph writing lesson plan pdf. Give each student or group a paragraph writing lesson plan pdf of paragraph writing lesson plan pdf sentences in the paragraph but do not tell them the correct order of the sentences. Have each student or group put the paragraph in the correct order to practice what they have learned. Have them use the hamburger organizer as a reference point. Organizing a paragraph well paragraph writing lesson plan pdf using a good topic sentence are extremely important skills.
Brainstorm some of the reasons why good paragraph organization is important with your students. Have them write a journal response or personal reflection explaining why good paragraphs are important. Have them paragraph writing lesson plan pdf at least three real-life reasons. Ideally, they should actually frame their reflection as a paragraph, using the skills that they have learned.
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Sasha Blakeley. Save Save Save. Want to watch this again later? This lesson plan explores the elements of a paragraph including topic sentences, supporting details, and conclusions.
The plan includes whole class and small group work as well as an individual writing assignment. Lesson Objectives As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: identify the three key parts of a paragraph: topic sentence, supporting details, and conclusion.
write a paragraph containing a topic sentence, supporting details, and conclusion. Length hours. The final writing activity could be spread over two days. Curriculum Standards CCSS. A Introduce a topic and group related information together; include illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension. B Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details. C Use linking words and phrases e. D Provide a concluding statement or section.
Materials Access to the video lesson Paragraph Writing for Kids and accompanying quiz Poster-sized copy of a hamburger paragraph writing lesson plan pdf as well as copies on regular-sized paper for student use Sample Hamburger Paragraph Organizer A number of well-written paragraphs - these could be printed from short stories, articles, or any other source as long as they have solid topic sentences, details, paragraph writing lesson plan pdf, and conclusions Whiteboard or easel paper to write your class paragraph and brainstorming information Instruction and Activities Before beginning, review the parts of a sentence.
Play a brief round of Sentence or Not a Sentence: Read a sentence or a phrase that is not a sentence, paragraph writing lesson plan pdf. If you read a sentence, students should put their hands on their heads. If you read a phrase that is not a sentence, students paragraph writing lesson plan pdf put their hands in the air. Go through several examples of each to get students thinking about the importance of complete sentences. Ask students: If letters are the smallest element of writing, then words, then sentences, what comes next?
Watch the video lesson Paragraph Writing for Kidspausing at Show students your poster-sized hamburger organizer. Ask students to share their ideas about what might go in each section of the organizer. For the purpose of this lesson, you will be writing a class paragraph. Topic Sentences Resume the video lesson, pausing at at the end of the section on topic sentences. Put students in small groups. Give each group two different paragraphs these paragraphs could be printed from short stories, articles, or any source of your choice.
Groups should identify the topic sentences in their paragraphs, then write their topic sentences on the class whiteboard. When all the groups are finished, look at the list of topic sentences as a class. Have several students tell which topic sentence on the list catches their interest and why. Discuss what makes a topic sentence good. Now that they have an idea of what makes a good topic sentence, each group should come up with a possible topic sentence for your class paragraph.
After each group shares their topic sentence, choose one and write it on the poster-sized hamburger organizer for the beginning of your class paragraph. Supporting Details Resume the video lesson, pausing at after the section on supporting details. Discuss kinds of details, such as sensory details, historical details, paragraph writing lesson plan pdf, and other descriptive facts.
Have groups of students return to the paragraphs they read in the previous activity and underline all of the supporting details. Beside their paragraph, they should identify what kind of information the details give them. As a whole class, brainstorm as many details about the topic of your class paragraph as possible. Write down every idea students give. Go through the list of details you brainstormed. Help students choose three or four details that are the most important and record them on the poster-sized hamburger organizer.
Conclusions Resume video lesson, pausing at after the section on conclusions.
How to Write a Paragraph
, time: 4:23Paragraph Writing Lesson Plan for Kids |

Grade: Duration: Date: Topic: Sub-topics: Page. English A Lesson Plan 10 10 periods September 9- 23, Paragraph Writing Unity, Coherence, Completeness, Principles of Organization. General objective: Students will be able to write paragraphs which are unified, coherent and complete. Specific Objectives At the end of these lessons students should be able to: Define the term paragraph wri5/5(4) · Writing Mini-Lesson 1. Give the lesson a catchy name. 2. Keep it brief. 3. Focus on 1 key learning concept. the student know up front what they will be learning. 5. Start by connecting the lesson with what they already know or are already doing. 6. Be explicitand direct. 7. Expect students to be accountable for their learning. 8 36 Lesson Plans for Teaching Writing LESSON 14 “IT’S MUSIC TO MY EARS”: GROWING PARAGRAPHS INTO ESSAYS Thomas J. Hargrove Purpose To construct essays from paragraphs using external sources Preparation This is a composition class exercise that can be used fairly early in a course. This assignment is intended to teach essay building and the use
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