To "discuss," in assignment language, means to make a broad argument about a set of arguments you have studied. In the case above, you can do this by pointing to consistencies and inconsistencies in the evidence of gendered causes of the Revolution; Discuss definition, to consider or examine by argument, comment, etc.; talk over or write about, especially to explore solutions; debate: to discuss the proposed law on taxes. See more Make a statement as to the meaning or interpretation of something, giving sufficient detail as to allow it to be distinguished from similar things. Describe: Spell out the main aspects of an idea or topic or the sequence in which a series of things happened. Discuss: Investigate or examine by argument
Glossary of Task Words | UNSW Current Students
Make a statement as to the meaning or interpretation of something, giving sufficient compare discuss two or more things in terms of their similarities and differences criticise give a judgement and support it with evidence define make clear what is meant by something; or use a definition s to explore a concept describe present a detailed account of something discuss Key words are the words in an assignment question that tell you the approaches to take go about answering a question.
Understanding the meaning helps you to know exactly what you have to do, meaning of discuss in an assignment. Content words Tell you what the topic area s of your assignment are and take you halfway towards Discuss the environmental effects of the. The learning guides to this course list various learning objectives or competencies with each module, and these are described in terms of some verb: identify, describe, distinguish, diagram, define, use, construct, explain, evaluate, compare, discuss I think that's all of them.
Let me offer brief descriptions of what I have in mind with each of these terms. Compare meaning of discuss in an assignment This involves describing two or more things objects, practices, ideas, etc, meaning of discuss in an assignment.
If the things have much in common, then the differences should be highlighted; if they seem widely dissimilar, then interesting commonalities should be mentioned. See Distinguish. Example : A comparison of the methods of capital punishment would involve a description of lethal injection, the gas chamber, meaning of discuss in an assignmentthe electric chair etc.
Here, the meaning of discuss in an assignment would look not just at the technique, but how well the technique meets certain criteria e, meaning of discuss in an assignment. Construct : All sorts of things require construction, but in a philosophy course these are usually limited to arguments and truth-tables. A formal construction of an argument involves writing a list of numbered premises and a conclusion that can be inferred from the premises; an informal construction involves writing meaning of discuss in an assignment, in a narrative form, the conclusion and the reasons for why the conclusion should be believed.
The construction of a truth-table requires drawing a table of rows and columns, with a separate column for each simple statement made in the argument, as well as for each premise and the conclusion.
There need to be as many rows in the truth-table as there are possible truth combinations of the simple statements viz. Define : A definition is a verbal description of the meaning of some general term e. This skill might involve nothing more than remembering some learned definition; but to arrive at a definition on your own requires a close understanding of the thing whose name is being defined, meaning of discuss in an assignment.
A description will list some of the properties or features of a thing or process or event, etc. Offering a description might also do this depending on which features are mentionedbut often a description simply will help a third party to recognize or identify the thing.
One might offer a bald description of the facts, without meaning of discuss in an assignment to explain what they mean. To explain something is always to make reference to a larger context that helps ground its meaning; or else to relate two or more things together in a way that makes each more understandable than were they described in isolation.
Finally, meaning of discuss in an assignmentto describe something is to give a list of meaning of discuss in an assignment or qualities of a thing or process or event, meaning of discuss in an assignment, etc.
Some properties are more important than others, which is determined by the context. Example : A description of capital punishment meaning of discuss in an assignment amount to little more than a definition of the term and the means by which it is carried out.
An explanation of capital punishment, meaning of discuss in an assignmenton the other hand, might go in any of several directions — a sociological explanation what it is about a certain society that makes the practice of capital punishment desirable or possibleor political how certain political forces have led to its implementation, limitation, or rejectionor historical, etc.
Diagram : This is limited in this course to diagramming extended arguments. More abstractly, a diagram is the description of something in a graphic form. Discuss : A discussion involves examining the various reasons for and against some claim, or else a multi-faceted exploration of some topic. This involves rather more than reciting facts or describing something. It is closer to evaluationonly it neither requires nor expects you to come down on one side of the issue.
You need to make use of background information surrounding that claim or topic. Example : A discussion of capital punishment would mention some of the history of the practice, describe how it is carried out, and describe and perhaps offer some evaluation of arguments for and against the practice.
Distinguish : Closely related to comparethis involves describing two or more things actions, ideas, etc. in such a way that highlights their differences. Evaluate : An evaluation is similar in complexity to a discussionthe primary difference being that evaluations will make use of criteria for deciding whether one thing is better or worse than another, whether some practice is morally permissible, meaning of discuss in an assignment, meaning of discuss in an assignment so on.
Example : An evaluation of capital punishment would involve a discussion of the practice, and then an assessment of whether it is effective in deterring would be criminals, in meting out justice, in making wise use of public resourcesor whether it is moral, or whether it is constitutional, or some combination of these and others.
Identify : Identification typically involves little more than the ability to pick-out some X from a line-up of individuals; in other words, it involves recognition skills. Use : You might be asked, for instance, to properly use some newly-learned concept in a sentence, meaning of discuss in an assignment use an inference pattern in a new argument.
In this course, you will be asked to make use of completed truth-tables for determining validity, and to make use of the method of counter-example to determine invalidity. Make a statement as to the meaning or interpretation of something, giving sufficient Discuss definition is - to talk about. How to use discuss in a sentence.
Synonym Discussion of discuss To "discuss," in assignment language, means to make a broad argument about a set of arguments you have studied. In the case above, you can do this by pointing to consistencies and inconsistencies in the evidence of gendered causes of the Revolution. Post a Comment. Wednesday, April 21, Meaning of discuss in an assignment. Meaning of discuss in an assignment 30 rows · Define. Content words Tell you what the topic area s of your assignment are and take you halfway towards Discuss the environmental effects of the Discuss Definition of Discuss at blogger.
com The learning guides to this course list various learning objectives or competencies with each module, and these are described in terms of some verb: identify, describe, meaning of discuss in an assignment, distinguish, diagram, define, use, construct, explain, evaluate, compare, discuss I think that's all of them. Prepared by Steve Naragon [ email ]. Last update: 29 Aug How to structure a discussion essaytime: at April 21, Email This BlogThis!
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Understanding Assignments
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Essay Help Online Service ’ Order an essay online from Definition Of Discuss In Academic Writing TFTH and get it done by experts and see the difference for yourself. I was shocked when I received my first assignment essay from · Your responses to experiences or opinions or events or thoughts or feelings or any such new information. A way of thinking that helps you dive deeper into knowledge and explore your learning. A golden opportunity to gain self-knowledge. A means of achieving clarity and a better understanding of what you are learning compare discuss two or more things in terms of their similarities and differences criticise give a judgement and support it with evidence define make clear what is meant by something; or use a definition(s) to explore a concept describe present a detailed account of something discuss
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