The Research Paper. There will come a time in most students' careers when they are assigned a research paper. Such an assignment often creates a great deal of unneeded anxiety in the student, which may result in procrastination and a feeling of confusion and inadequacy COMM –Gender & Communication FINAL PAPER INSTRUCTIONS & GUIDELINES Dr. Michelle M. Walton, Professor Final Paper (pts) DUE: Wednesday, April 14th, via BB Drop Box by 4pm!! TOPIC • You MUST present an issue of the gender opposite to your own gender identity. If you are female-presenting choose a topic that impacts male gender issues. If you are male-presenting FINAL FINAL RESEARCH PAPER (1) Download. FINAL FINAL RESEARCH PAPER (1) Hazel Mae P Retes. study habit in terms of their Family monthly Income and academic performance. Respondents' will really spend ample amount for the school works and if lack of financial capacity, it would really affect their academic performances
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To browse Academia, final research paper. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Skip to main content. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Log In Sign Up. Download Free DOCX. Download Free PDF. FINAL FINAL RESEARCH PAPER 1. Hazel Mae P Retes. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package This paper, final research paper.
A short summary of this paper. READ PAPER. study habit in terms of their Family monthly Income and academic performance. Respondents' will really spend ample amount for the school works and if lack of financial capacity, it would really affect their academic performances.
The principal conclusion formulated was that there was a need to consider the family Monthly Income in all plans of the school because it will affect the Academic performances of the respondents. FINDINGS:From the study conducted, the researchers arrived at the following findings Most of the students in Final research paper Elementary School are visual learners and are approaching to proficiency in their academic performances final research paper thus, have good Parental Involvement though most of them have very low family monthly income.
Almost all of the students have very good recognition of their teachers' personality. Most of the students are both good in their study habits when it comes to time management and in study techniques. There is a need to consider the family monthly Income in any School Works that affect the Students' Academic Performance.
There is a need final research paper consider the full involvement of the Parents in the student's study habit. There is a need to consider the teacher's Personality to be practice consistently. In general, the results of the study implies that the factors that affects the study habit of the students in Baluarte elementary School are the very low family monthly income of the students that hinders to them to do well in School and not so full Involvement of final research paper Parents in monitoring their child in their Study habit in terms of Managing their time to study.
IntroductionEducation is commonly referred to as the process of learning and obtaining knowledge at school, in a form of formal education. Generally, at the start of a very young age, children learn to develop and use their mental, moral and physical powers, final research paper, which they acquire through various types of education. The process of education does not final research paper start when a child first attend school. Education begins at home when the parent started to give knowledge to the child.
This will be followed final research paper by the education given by the teachers, final research paper. In almost all societies, final research paper, receiving an education in school is extremely vital and necessary if a person wants to achieve success in life. Thus, education is the key that allows people to move up in the world, seek better jobs, final research paper, and ultimately succeed fully in life.
In education, it involves study habits and this is the ways that you study; the habits that you have formed during your school years. Study habits can be good ones, or bad ones. Good study habits include being organized, keeping good notes, reading your textbook, final research paper, listening in class, final research paper, and working every day.
Bad study habits include skipping class, not doing your work, watching TV or playing video games instead of studying, and losing your work. In fact, many of the Filipino school have also encountered this kind of problem like the Christ the King College and Gingoog City High School, in a study of Mercadofinal research paper, the third year and fourth year students in that particular year of the study revealed that the students did not have a fixed study time and had poor and improper study habits.
As well as the Regional Science Final research paper School RSHSGusa, Cagayan de Oro City in school year experienced also the same problem because according to the study of Victoria Tan"the RSHS has the summary of the students that majority got 82 below in their minor subjects and in their major subjects, final research paper. Highlighting text and memorizing are the most effective devices used for reviewing.
These devices are the effective instruments in studying lessons. Students only study their lessons 1 hour a day. Almost half of the respondents nap after studying their lessons. Therefore, that chatting, texting, final research paper, on-line gaming, watching movies and outing affect the study habits of probies in Regional Science High School".
This study shows the problem regarding study habits of the mentioned school and it's not only the problem of the high school but also to the elementary school in Sitio Baluarte, Lumbia, Cagayan de Oro City. However, those are the problems of the mentioned school considering their school location. When compared to the schools located at the rural areas like the Baluarte Elementary School, they were in a place that social networking and other technologies were not easily available or accessible.
Thus, the factors affecting the study habits between the school located at the rural and urban areas differ, final research paper. The topic was chosen based on the concern raised by the school regarding the poor study habit of the students in Baluarte Elementary School. The researchers had chosen the grade V and grade VI students as the respondents for the reason that they are final research paper, mature, and responsible students among the six grade level.
The grade V and grade VI students already managed their study habits so in this case, if ever they need an improvement they can probably develop it through the findings of this research study. Upon the raised problem of the school, the researchers pursued this concern to let the school know about what are the factors that really affect the students' poor study habit when grouped according to their time management, learning techniques, and study skills.
As a result, the elementary school happened to experience the decreasing number of students every now and final research paper for the reason that the students were not eager to study even at home or at their school. Even the teachers had already observed the decreasing number of scores that their students got every quizzes and the increasing number of absentee.
According to the Principal, Mr. Legaspi, he stated that "these problems are commonly happened every now and then; the teachers have observed that it was the problem of student's study habits that resulted to their decreasing number of scores especially on their major subjects". That was the problem that the school now was facing. In sum, this study also helps us to analyze some recommendations that will benefit for that certain concern.
Therefore, it has always been the presumption of many educators that students will eventually develop good study habit as they grow and become more experienced in school. But this is only partly true. It has been observed that not all students develop effective study habits and learning strategies unless there is someone who will help them. Conceptual FrameworkVarious researchers proved that there is a significant relationship between students' study habits towards their academic performance Manchala, Whither the study habit is systematic or unsystematic, efficient or otherwise there could always be an impact to students' academic performance.
According to M. Nagaraju that study habit serves as the vehicle of learning and poor study habits create anxiety in the students. He also explained that if the final research paper have a good study habit it make them to have a good performance. However, behind this so called "study habit" either good or bad there are factors or reasons behind of what kind of study habit the students final research paper. This is a common concern among educators but they focused on the poor study habit of the students, final research paper, the cause final research paper the students' low academic performance.
Deci and Richard M. Ryan because the learner himself and the independent variables have a great role in shaping the learner's study habit.
Self-determination is innate to an individual and together with the psychological needs, final research paper. This theory emphasizes on the individual's motivation and how external factors affects on the individual performance. The term motivation as stated in the study of Rugesh Raghuwanshi is the result of processes, internal or external to the individual, which will arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action. Motivation is important in an individual to do once task and if one is not motivated it is impossible to come up a good result.
This motivation could be possible if there is a positive stimulus that would bring out the positive behaviour in the life of the learners. In such this paper put into consideration the social environment that nurtures the learner's inherent potentials.
In connection with the self-motivation theory, the following independent variables were considered: the students' profile in terms of their parental involvement family monthly income, learning styles, academic performances and their teachers'personality. These variables are because they are considered as the nurturing social environment and in one way or other these may influence the study habit of the students. It is important to consider the study habits of the students on how they manage their time efficiently, and how to have effective varied study techniques to keep them afloat.
These things are important for them to form a good study habit. These things are important in order to understand how these students respond to the demands of acquiring good grades as expected by parents and school authorities. In such the cooperation of the parents and teachers are needed because they are final research paper to take another step in learning process which is the secondary level or high school.
In addition to that high school is the training ground for college if students started a poor study habit they will probably have a hard time to cope up in college, final research paper.
There are books written of some authors that will help students how to have an effective study habit. According to T, final research paper. Dawood that time management skills are very important as it helps to increase final research paper productivity.
Moreover students learn to prioritize important task and balance their time efficiently. Study techniques are methods which involve the application of a group of techniques to achieve a process result Vijay Sheth In addition it is one way of realizing the best method of performing a task which can be effective in studying. According to the research study of Eun Chun Seul she quoted from Morgan and Deese that studying is really an all-out effort and learning, and it is only practiced successfully when one really learns.
It means that studying takes a lot final research paper time to practice, it involves sacrifices for leisures in order to make it a habit. Furthermore no one can learn for you, learning is solely controlled by the learner itself. In addition with this the secret of effective study is found in the student's firm determination and desire to learn, final research paper. In addition students final research paper have a genuine interest to learn and desire to study in the best possible way, final research paper.
Figure 1. The Schema of the Study Statement of the ProblemThis study will attempt to determine the causes of the students poor study habits that lead to their low grades. This study seeks to answer the following questions What are the profile of the respondents in terms of their Significance of the StudyThe administration is the nucleus final research paper the effective organization basically for the school.
It is important to gain insight about the factors regarding the poor study habit of the students for the following reasons. The result of this thesis will benefit the school, teachers, students, to the parents of the students, and to the researchers as well.
How to Write a Paper in a Weekend (By Prof. Pete Carr)
, time: 11:39Final Research Sample
Edit your paper to ensure that language, citations, and formatting are correct. Given all the time and effort you have put into your research project, you will want to make sure that your final draft represents your best work. This requires taking the time to revise and edit your paper carefully FINAL FINAL RESEARCH PAPER (1) Download. FINAL FINAL RESEARCH PAPER (1) Hazel Mae P Retes. study habit in terms of their Family monthly Income and academic performance. Respondents' will really spend ample amount for the school works and if lack of financial capacity, it would really affect their academic performances The Final Research Paper:Must be 12 to 14 double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing blogger.com include a title page with the following: Title of paperStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedMust begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis blogger.com address the topic of the
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