· COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING FAMILY HEALTH ASSESSMENT After you have read chapter 29 and 30 choose a family in your community and conduct a family health assessment using the following questions below. 1. Family composition. Type of family, age, gender and racial/ethnic composition of the family. 2. Roles of each family member Community Health Nursing There are many fields in which a registered nurse can specialize. One group of these fields is known as Community Health Nursing. This field includes Public Health Nursing, School Nursing, and Home Health Nursing Community Interventions for Public Health Essay. Study Sample and Participants. The study sample and the data collection process are clearly explained. The study was conducted in Kerala in India, Hangzhou city in China, and the Mexico City in settings including health centers, workplaces, schools, and the community (Anthony et al., )
Descriptive essay: Community health reflection paper
Community Health Nursing The contribution that a community healthcare unit can make towards enhancing population health and community health nursing essay inequalities is strengthened by international law. Primary healthcare has demonstrated to have an independent impact on improving the status of health within the community.
It also affects the reduction of health inequalities and the achievement of improved health outcomes at a relatively low cost and making the healthcare system sustainable. There is substantial evidence that a solid primary health care framework guarantees an community health nursing essay healthcare delivery. In this case, it will solve the lack of responsiveness and continuity in the overall healthcare.
This study has focused on the contribution of a community health nurse to the orientation of the framework towards population health promotion, primary health care and health promotion. The Need It is timely to assess apparent arrangements, community health nursing essay, propose an optimal healthcare framework and identify areas of change.
It is vital…. References Basford, L. Theory and practice of nursing: An integrated approach to patient care. Cheltenham, U. K: Nelson Thornes. Carroll, P, community health nursing essay.
Community health nursing: A practical guide. Australia: Delmar Learning. Ervin, N. Advanced community health nursing practice: Population-focused care. Upper Saddle River, N. J: Prentice Hall. Gofin, J. Essentials of global community health. Community Health Nursing Galveston, Texas is a city in South Texas that is mostly water and resides in the Gulf of Mexico.
The city itself has a relatively small population, community health nursing essay, but it is close to Houston which is one of the largest cities in the United States. The city, being close to the Gulf is a prime candidate for hurricanes, and it has seen some devastating storms since its inception. This paper examines the community health characteristics of this small American city from the perspective of economic development, safety, culture and disaster preparedness, and then provide an assessment and a diagnosis.
Community Assessment Economics It may seem that it is difficult to link health and economics, but there are actually a number of correlations that can be made. One of these is that a person who is comfortable with the amount of wealth they have accumulated is more likely to…. References Census Bureau, community health nursing essay. Quick facts: Galveston County, Texas. html Nolen, L. Health impact assessment of the City of Galveston's draft comprehensive plan, Center to Eliminate Health Disparities at the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas.
Retrieved from www. Community Health Nursing The scope of epidemiology has "changed community health nursing essay recent years," Karen Lundy explains; not only are investigations carried out vis-a-vis determinants of illness and disease, but the "variables that contribute to the maintenance of health" are considered part of the epidemiological process.
Hence, an RN named Valerie Swain in San Diego was practicing epidemiology when she established a program through an interfaith organization that assured homeless people who are just out of surgery don't have to go back to the street to heal. TO: The nursing process when the community is the client means assessing "…the health of the community itself" by identifying "the characteristics, resources, and needs" and the "applicable environmental…. Works Cited Goodwin, Hilary A.
Lead Exposure and Poisoning in Children. UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability. Hitchcock, Janice E, Schubert, Phyllis E. Community Health Nursing: Caring in Action. Independence, KY: Cengage Learning. Lundy, Karen Saucier, and Janes, Sharyn. Community Health Nursing: Caring for the Public's Health. Community Health Nursing The Bronx is known as one the five boroughs of New York City.
This is because of the attractions which are located inside the community such as: Yankee Stadium and the Bronx Zoo. During the last recession, it was able to withstand the severe job losses which have impacted other regions. In fact, it gained 10, community health nursing essay, new jobs from to This is illustrating how it has the vitality and culture to endure the most severe challenges it is facing. Dudley, However, one of the biggest concerns is environmental pollution.
This is because it is located inside a valley and major urban area. These two factors have contributed to rising levels over the last several years.
Evidence of this can be seen with a survey that was conducted by the Bronx Health Link. References Bronx County New York. Census Bureau. html Casado, J. A Survey on Environmental Health Issues. Bronx Health Link. pdf Davidson, A. Why Can't the Bronx Be More Like Brooklyn? The New York Times. com Dudley, W.
The National and Regional Economic Outlook. Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Community Health Nursing The health disparities in the United States are shocking, community health nursing essay.
There are disparities evident in nearly every factor associated with healthcare such as cost, community health nursing essay, access, and equity. Poverty is closely correlated with negative health outcomes in many areas and ethnic backgrounds can also community health nursing essay as a good predictor of outcomes. The problem however isn't necessarily just one of individual outcomes. The average cost of health care in the United States is estimated to be over eight thousand dollars per person and on the aggregate accounts for nearly eighteen percent of the total U.
gross domestic product Kane, community health nursing essay, The expenses in health care really make this a national emergency. Works Cited Devi, S. Getting to the root of America's racial health inequalities. The Lancet, Kane, J. Health Costs: How the U. Compares With Other Countries. html Krieger, N. Painting a Truer Picture of U. American Journal of Public Health, Murray, C.
Ranking 37th -- Measuring the Performance of the U. Health Care System. The New England Journal of Medicine, Health Nursing Health Plan Community Health Nursing Health Education Plan There are many issues that plague the health of residents of the United State, but, fortunately, with one of the best healthcare systems in the world there are always the resources and desire to mitigate the issues that arise.
To help minimize the bad consequences of health problems nurses need to be able to train people regarding proper healthcare. Community health nursing essay healthcare provider needs to be able to express why a particular intervention is being used and what the desired outcome is.
Among the many groups which need training regarding poor healthcare practices are middle aged men who, in large part, do not see a physician on a regular basis, community health nursing essay. This means that while their healthcare needs are increasing dramatically as they…. References Berry, T. Millions of African-Americans at increased risk for type 2 diabetes. National Diabetes Education Program. pdf East Valley Tribune. If men resist seeing the doctor, try these arguments.
html Healthy People Community Health Nursing Lansdowne, Phila-Delaware County Community Description Delaware County is a host to Lansdowne, which is, located about eight kilometers Southwest of Philadelphia. The community has achieved a tremendous growth, which began during the early stages of the 20th Century.
The hasty pace of growth is a result of existence of a railroad stop. The borough has emerged to community health nursing essay one of the fastest growing sub-economies in Delaware County and Pennsylvania at large since the time it was christened after Marques of Lansdowne. Establishment of the community close to the junction of Baltimore Pike and Lansdowne Avenue has been one of the contributing factors to its massive growth and development since the beginning of the….
Community Health Nursing Important MCQs - Rajasthan CHO Exam
, time: 22:47Community Health Nursing Reflection Essay - Words | Bartleby

2 days ago · Community health nursing practice aims to improve community health by promoting a healthier group of people, individuals, families, and residents within the community. The goal is to maintain, preserve, and promote health by providing information, education, teachings, and health care services to the Final Reflection Paper · Community Health Nursing. The contribution that a community healthcare unit can make towards enhancing population health and minimizing inequalities is strengthened by international law. Primary healthcare has demonstrated to have an independent impact on improving the status of health within the community Words | 5 Pages. The main focus in nursing school is to care for individuals physically to improve their health in the hospital setting. This view changes in community and public health nursing because the emphasis becomes communities, groups, populations, and aggregates that have certain needs. It becomes an instability for many students, because it is difficult to focus and view communities as
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