· Here is an example of the outline for a pro-animal testing research paper: Introduction. Hook sentence. Thesis statement. Transition to Main Body. Main Body. History of the animal testing practice. The role of legislation in preventing mistreatment. Great discoveries, which would be impossible without animal testing Animal Testing Research Paper This sample Animal Testing Research Paper is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need help writing your assignment, please use our research paper writing service and buy a paper on any topic at affordable price Animal Testing 1 Page. Animal testing is the procedure of using non-human animals to control changes that may affect biological systems or behaviors in experiments. Because animals and humans have similar properties, the process of animal testing is done for research
Animal Testing Research Paper, Sample of Research papers
This sample Animal Testing Research Paper is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need help writing your assignment, please use our research paper writing service and buy a paper on any topic at affordable price.
Also check our tips on how to write a research papersee the lists of research paper topicsand browse research paper examples. The history of animal testing begins in antiquity with Aristotle. The philosophical writings of René Descartes, who denied any mental life in animals, animal testing research paper, accelerated the growth of animal research.
It is impossible to accurately estimate the number of animals used in research today because different countries differ in animal testing research paper they count. It is known that animal testing is a multibillion-dollar industry. Societal concern about the use of animals in research peaked in Britain in the s leading to the Cruelty to Animals Act of governing research for the ensuing years.
In the USA, the creation of the National Institutes of Health after World War Animal testing research paper led to legislation growing out of public fear that their pet animals would be stolen for research purposes. Animal testing research paper the s, also, British law and European Union directives pressed forward new legislation. Many other countries followed suit. Increasing costs of animal testing led to extending research activities to developing countries to save money, avoid strict regulatory environments, and escape close scrutiny by the public, animal testing research paper.
However, the three goals guiding the creation of regulatory structures for animal testing — assuring a high-quality science environment, assuring the maximization of animal welfare, and assuring the public that animals are being treated properly — are very difficult to achieve across multiple cultures. Animal testing research paper most plausible approach to creating uniform universal standards has been that developed by AAALAC International.
AAALAC accredits laboratory animal facilities worldwide using the NIH Guide to the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals as a basis for accreditation.
Currently, AAALAC numbers over research institutions around the world as accredited. For most of its history, animal testing has been a European phenomenon and more recently an American one and eventually spread into the developing world, as shall be shown. The earliest known uses of animals in science were for dissection and took place in ancient Greece.
Pursuant to his primary scientific interest in zoology, Aristotle — BC dissected numerous animal specimens. Detailed descriptions of such procedures were later provided by Galen of Pergamum — AD. Not surprisingly, animal experimentation, animal testing research paper, like much of the rest of science, was significantly slowed during the Dark Ages. The Muslim physician Al-Razi ninth century perfected surgical procedures on a animal testing research paper and also tested the toxicity of medicaments on animals.
Little documented work was done in Europe until the Renaissance, when Andreas Vesalius — and his school in Padua began performing public dissections on living animals. Colombo remarked in passing on the providential wisdom of the Creator in creating such a vivid example of maternal love, animal testing research paper. Shortly thereafter, William Harvey demonstrated the circulation of blood in a live animal.
Further use of living animals for purposes of scientific advancement was significantly accelerated by the philosophical writings of René Descartes in France, animal testing research paper. All material substances obeyed the mechanical laws governing the motion of matter. Human beings were a combination of the two, mind and matter. Animals for Descartes had no component of mind, operated strictly according to the laws of physics, and thus enjoyed neither any sort of mental life nor feelings, including pain.
The experimental use of animals significantly proliferated in the mid-nineteenth century with the work in France of Claude Bernard and the roughly co-temporaneous invention of anesthesia. It is virtually impossible to document the number of animals currently utilized per year in research for a variety of reasons.
The pharmaceutical companies in the USA have prevented these animals from counting as animals, allegedly because of the significant additional cost of record-keeping. One estimate gives the number of animals used in the USA as 26 million while freely admitting that this estimate is grossly inaccurate. A British publication on this question in concluded with a worldwide estimate of minimally Even the latter number, say the authors, is likely to be an underestimate.
Twenty-three countries, wherein or more scientific papers utilizing animals are published in each country in a year, maintained no records of animals used in research. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that very large numbers of animals are deployed in research today, with the numbers continuing to grow as scientific expertise in fields using animals in developing countries continues to expand.
It is also reasonable to conclude that animal research is a multibillion-dollar industry across the world. Indeed, even some of the early researchers utilizing animals were highly ambivalent about such use, but relied on the use of cost-benefit to justify it.
Societal concern about animal experimentation peaked in the s in Britain. One animal testing research paper for this was clearly the rise of utilitarian philosophy as articulated by the pioneering utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham, who argued that only one characteristic rendered a being worthy of moral consideration — could the organism feel pain and suffer? The same utilitarian approach, as articulated by Peter Singer, helped to catalyze social concerns about invasive animal research in the USA and Europe years later.
As British society grew increasingly concerned about animal treatment, it was inevitable that public attention turned to animal research. In controversy over animal research had reached such a fevered pitch that a Royal Commission designed to examine the issues was appointed. Unfortunately, for research animal testing research paper, a French physiologist named Emmanuel Klein presented their position in such a callous and uncaring manner that legislation became inevitable, and thus was born the Cruelty to Animals Act ofthe first piece of legislation directed toward regulating animal research in history.
Drafted in part by Charles Darwin, who vigorously opposed animal cruelty, but feared the curtailment of what he saw as a necessary scientific experimentation, the Act licensed research facilities and individual experimenters and governed British animal research for the ensuing hundred years. Animal testing in the USA continued to grow during the twentieth century with relatively little opposition. The creation of the National Institutes of Health NIH after World War II sparked a major acceleration in animal research.
This activity was extremely controversial and galvanized public opposition. By the s, stories of family pets being kidnapped by unscrupulous animal dealers and sold to research were rife. Such activities, rather than moral reservations about animal research, drove the passage of legislation in the s Rollin, Ina family dog that ended up dead in a research facility led Congress to consider legislation. At the same time, a LIFE magazine photojournalist visited a research dog dealer and took stark animal testing research paper of the emaciated and terrified animals.
It is essential to note that we are not even close to dealing with rational animal ethics in this legislation the Animal Welfare Act. The unabashed reasons for these laws are protection of human sensibilities — concern that their beloved possessions, animal testing research paper, their pets, not be dognapped or catnapped and end up in experiments. Nothing in the Act authorizes the prescribing of standards for the handling, care, or treatment of animals during actual research or experimentation, animal testing research paper.
Inthe Act was amended to include an assurance of the proper use of anesthesia, analgesia, and tranquilization by the research facility during an experiment. However, the absurdity therein was that the regulatory requirement could be met by the research facility affirming in its annual report that it saw no need for anesthesia, analgesia, or tranquilization, animal testing research paper, even if performing painful research, animal testing research paper.
The obvious inadequacy of this animal testing research paper was partially remedied over the ensuing two decades, as societal concern for animals used in the animal testing research paper of food, research and testing, and entertainment continued to increase. New laws passed in the USA in amended the Animal Welfare Act to mandate control of pain and distress, animal testing research paper, to be overseen by local Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees, and also animal testing research paper the status of law to the National Institutes of Health Guide to the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.
The latter law could punish infractions by seizing all federal research funding to an institution, animal testing research paper. This Directive set minimum care standards for research animals, housing standards, and training standards for personnel involved in research activities. In contrast to the US law, the Directive placed heavy emphasis on the development of alternatives to live animals for research. In recent years, a fourth R was added, namely, respect for the animals. Inthe Directive was further modified to ban the use of live animals in the toxicity testing of cosmetics.
Also inGreat Britain passed a new law pertaining to animal research, both to update the Act of and make British law compatible with the EU directive. Note that individual countries in the EU can have their own variations on laws governing animal experimentation, as long as they are compatible with the Directive. This law was called the Animals Scientific Procedures Act. The law regulates the use of vertebrate and cephalopod animals in scientific research. Any animal procedure requires three licenses, a personal license for the investigator, a specific project license, and a facilities license.
No licenses may be issued until the Secretary of State is satisfied that the project cannot be done without animals. A national committee consisting of scientists, veterinarians, physicians, lawyers, animal welfare advocates, and philosophers advises the Secretary of State on the issuance of licenses.
A cost-benefit assessment weighing cost to the animals against scientific benefit must be conducted for licenses to be issued. Animals may not be used in multiple experiments.
Local review committees comparable to IACUCs are also authorized. Other European countries have very similar rules, with numerous local variations. Japan too has a similar system guided by concern for the 3 Rs, but the Japanese system is generally seen as more self-regulatory than Europe or the USA. China has only recently begun to develop the science of laboratory animals and still has a lax regulatory structure. In South America, Brazil is moving toward a system similar to the USA. Aside from the bewildering number of political differences dividing animal research regulation globally, there are also vast cultural differences.
For example, during the s, India banned the export of rhesus macaques for research, animal testing research paper. These animals animal testing research paper viewed as sacred in India. The ban was established when it became known that idle curiosity in the USA was driving their use in radiation research.
On the other hand, baboons are perceived as pest animals in South Africa, so researchers simply go out and harvest them when needed. Islamic scholars argue that only experimentation directly essential to human life is permitted; toxicity testing or experimentation arising out of idle curiosity is disapproved. It is worth pausing to examine the various ways in which animals are used in research.
The different usages are fairly well accounted for by the following seven categories:. Basic biological, behavioral, or psychological research, that is, the formulation and testing of hypotheses about fundamental theoretical questions, animal testing research paper, such as the nature of DNA replication, mitochondrial activity, and brain functions or learning, with little concern for the practical effect of that research, animal testing research paper.
Applied basic biomedical and psychological research. The formulation and testing of hypotheses about diseases, dysfunctions, animal testing research paper, genetic defects, etc. Included in this category is the testing of new therapies: surgical and gene therapy, radiation treatment, treatment of burns, etc.
The development of drugs and therapeutic chemicals. The primary difference between this category and the others animal testing research paper that here one is aiming at discovering specific substances for specific purposes, rather than at knowledge per se. Food and fiber research is aimed at increasing the productivity and efficiency of agricultural animals. This includes feed trials, metabolism studies, some reproductive work, the development of agents like BST to increase milk production, etc.
The testing of various consumer goods for safety, toxicity, animal testing research paper, and degree of toxicity. Such testing includes the testing of cosmetics, food additives, herbicides, pesticides, industrial chemicals, and so forth, as well as the testing of drugs for toxicity, carcinogenesis production of cancermutagenesis production of mutations in living bodiesand teratogenesis production of monsters and abnormalities in embryo development.
The use of animals in educational institutions and elsewhere for demonstration, dissection, surgery practice, induction of disease for demonstrative purposes, high-school science projects, etc. The use of animals for extraction of drugs and biological products — vaccines, blood, serum, monoclonal antibodies, TPA from animals genetically engineered to produce it in their milk, etc.
Can we do science without animal testing?
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Animal Testing 1 Page. Animal testing is the procedure of using non-human animals to control changes that may affect biological systems or behaviors in experiments. Because animals and humans have similar properties, the process of animal testing is done for research Animal Testing Research Paper This sample Animal Testing Research Paper is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need help writing your assignment, please use our research paper writing service and buy a paper on any topic at affordable price The Term Paper on Animal Testing Paper Animals Research Humans. Animal testing is not a new thing. For many centuries scientists and testers in research have used animals of all kinds. Most of the animals are small ones like rodents - rats, mice, hamsters and gerbils. Some dogs, cats and a variety of goats, monkeys and rabbits have also been used
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